Being successful as a real estate agent means being able to find the right clients to work with. Whether a potential client is looking to buy or sell a home, you should be ready and able to help them. In order for you to be able to help them, though, they have to be able to find you first. One of the best ways to make this possible is through search engine optimization. With a handful of certain tips, tricks, and techniques, you can feel better about reaching the potential client base out there.  So, don’t be caught without an internet presence as a Realtor™.

When you work with a marketing and brand design firm, like Realnets, you need to know that you are working with a team that is familiar with the real estate industry. What works best for a listing agent? What are the keys to success in commercial real estate vs. residential? These are age-old influencing factors in real estate, and they can be combined with the following SEO practices to help your real estate business thrive.


1 – Be Unique

When it comes to doing something different, the internet is the best place to do it. You want to make sure that you stand out and the only way to do so is to be unique. Stand out from those other realtors, show them who you are and what you do by writing creative, original content for your website, blog, and social media. Duplicate content will only hurt your business, so never ever copy your competitors.


2 – Use Keywords That are Targeted to Your Local Area

Geo-targeting keywords are going to get you seen in the area you want to be seen in. If you’re trying to reach out to a specific targeted area, these keywords are going to bring your website to the specific area. This also means that when someone searches for something in that city or state, you can pop up offering them help when buying and selling a home.


3 – Use Relevant, Catchy Headlines to Bring Them in

You won’t open something that doesn’t promise you one thing or another. This is why the headlines that you use are what is going to sell your content. You need to make sure that the clients know what they’re getting themselves into when they click into the content. So, this becomes a balance of “catchy” and “effective”, because you’ll also have to remember to use your keywords in the headlines.


4 – Always Provide Clear, Valuable Content

Award winning content anyone? You want to sell homes, but you also want to look like you know what you’re doing. In order to do this, relevant, clean cut and valuable content is going to be the content that sells. Make sure that they have something worth reading when they visit you online. It’s okay – and often necessary – to incorporate words from your list of researched keywords. But it can’t be all about that. Write for humans first, then SEO.


5 – Don’t Overlook Quality Keyword Research

Speaking of “researched keywords”, professional-quality keyword research just can’t be beat. It’s going to go a long way when it comes to being found on the internet. Make sure that you know what is going in your content and how it is going to work. This is not the time to forego planning!


Every great Realtor™ needs a great content team on their side; this includes a marketing strategist, copywriter, seo specialist, and more. These services can help you attract the clients that are needed for you close more transactions, and Realnets can help. Give us a call today at 773.631.6851.