Working with an agency to improve your SEO may seem like a daunting task at first, but it’s a necessary pit stop on the road to success. In the past, the web was riddled with “keyword-stuffed” pages that consisted only of terrible reading material. Nonetheless, they did well in search engine rankings, because the algorithms that were used to index those pages were still in their infancy. Google has since become wise to these tactics, and the technology has become quite sophisticated. Search engines want to deliver value to the people using them. Today, a page that is guilty of oversaturating its copy with keywords will actually be pushed to the no man’s land of the second or third page of search results. In extreme cases, they may even be removed from search results altogether. The best SEO copy now is high quality, educational content that happens to have a few well-researched keywords naturally integrated into the text, but that’s only the beginning. Here are some SEO factors to keep in mind when you’re discussing your SEO with the Realnets expert who is handling your project:

Is Your Website Listed and Categorized Appropriately?

Don’t be surprised if our team asks you about your business listings. Where have you listed your business information? How current or accurate is that listing? Categorizing your business inappropriately, especially with Google My Business, is a very big problem, and if that issue exists, our team will work with you to rectify the situation.

Don’t Forget The Importance of Online Reviews

Google uses reviews as a major factor in how your site ranks. Reviews give consumers a quick way to decide which link they want to click on. If you’re reviews are nonexistent or negative, it’s going to be a challenge to compete with others who excel in this area.

There are plenty of ways to get positive reviews. Examples might include asking your Realnets developer to add a widget to your website that asks customers to review your business, or you may wish to offer rewards to customers who review your business on any type of social media platform. Remember, the more positive reviews you have, the better the odds are that your business will make it to that coveted first page. So, speak with your Realnets SEO expert about your options.

Remove Pages With Scant Content

You should be intentional about the content that is found on your website. Google wants to see that every page on your site offers true value, and we agree. Write first for readers, and second for search engines. If you follow that guideline, your visitors will spend more time on your site – an excellent indicator of value in the eyes of the search engines. If you have old, forgotten, or irrelevant pages, speak with your Realnets team member about removing these pages from your site or updating the content that is found there.

Become a Recognized Content Publisher

In order to build brand awareness and customer loyalty, you have to publish engaging, high-quality content on a regular basis. Most businesses have a blog, and some go a step further with the use of e-books, podcasts, webinars etc. This content is an indexing opportunity for your business, and it also establishes credibility with your readers. So, the next time you meet with your project manager, ask about which of these items might be beneficial in your particular niche.

Be Consistent

Offering quality content is a great start, but if you can’t be consistent, consider outsourcing the task. Once you gain a loyal following, you are already ahead of the game but you have to keep up with your content schedule. If you decide to write a blog post once a week, make sure that that post is up at the same time every day every week. Even celebrities can lose blog readers if they feel neglected. Everything that your business does is for your customers, and you have to make sure that those customers are happy. It may seem dramatic, but it’s a proven fact, skipping just one blog post or one podcast could seriously impact the amount of loyal followers/customers you have.

Everything we do here at Realnets is meant to help your business grow and thrive. We are a comprehensive agency, and we have experts on our team who can help you achieve nearly any objective that you can image. Whether you’re looking for SEO services, new brand development, a new website, copywriting, or something else, contact us to find out how we can bring your vision to life.